April 8-14 2024
Hey all, Happy Great North American Eclipse week…are you ready?! It’s setting up to be quite the week, with Mercury retrograde in Aries, a couple of powerful planetary hook ups, and a massive eclipse event. This week has “game changer” written all over it! Aries is the inarguable star energy this week, and all planets-save outlier Pluto, are concentrated in 3 consecutive signs, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus. Babies born this week are going to play prominently in the future, that’s for sure! Luna rocks Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer and we’d best dive in. There’s plenty to talk about!
Monday, Monday…can’t trust that day! Haha Not this one, anyway. Perfecting at 1:20pm local we get the total New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries that astrologers have had on the radar for the last 7 years. This eclipse, which will drift across the United States from Texas (yup, Texas…have you been monitoring the news?!) Northeast thru Maine and into Canada before heading out to sea. Cities, states, and countries that lie beneath the path of totality are typically at ground zero for endings, beginnings, and major turning points, and that applies also to individuals with personal natal chart placements close to the degree of the eclipse. In this case, that is 19 degrees of Aries, so 17-21-ish degrees of Aries or, to a lesser degree other Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) would be more in the zone to experience personal events as a result of this lunation. Solar eclipses occur when there is a new or full moon within about 13 degrees of the lunar nodes, the closer, the stronger generally, and this new moon occurs within about 4 degrees…so it’s tight and its strong. This eclipse also conjuncts (collocates) with Chiron by degree, to the exact minute, and Jupiter-the energy of expansion, is at 19 Taurus, running toward his hook up with Uranus at 21 degrees, so they’re weighing in also. Mercury is Rx, conjunct the way far out (twice as far out as Pluto!) planet Eris, named after the Goddess of Discord, if that tells you anything! And…we also get a comet attached to this, just for a lil exclamation point. (Symbolically, comets have typically be portends of catastrophic events but are also symbols of transformation and profound shifts in the collective consciousness. Makes sense, as human beings typically have to burn shit to the ground before enacting real change. This feels like growing pains to me!) This is one of those “how much shit can we pile on” situations.
Midday on Tuesday the Moon in Taurus challenges Pluto, which could really create some compelling energy to face some reality, especially for peeps already in a tizz from the eclipse. This turns up the proverbial heat and that takes us into Wednesday…Mars runs smack into Saturn, a malefic on malefic sandwich. This is like a couple of old frenemies getting together to make plans. I am lumping these together because this influence will be felt and capable of producing events well before it perfects as well as after they’re separating. And the Moon is going to connect with them just to make sure nothing is left to slide. This could be useful for digging in and powering your way thru some undesirable or arduous tasks, but can also be highly frustrating if you’re trying to get something done quickly or smoothly. That just isn’t likely to happen. So ya know that extra patience I always advise packing when Mercury is Rx? Triple it! Haha This is hitting at 14 degrees Pisces, so midrange of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) are likely to feel this at its max.
On Thursday, while all that is still ironing itself out, Mercury backs into the onward marching Sun at 22 degrees of Aries, forming what we call their inferior conjunction. This alignment, also called a cazimi, signals the midpoint of the Rx.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are all Luna, with the most impactful move seemingly being her time in Gemini on Friday when she pokes Saturn and Mars into reanimation. So whatever pops up on Wednesday isn’t going away quickly or quietly.
This is just a set up for a lot of activity, especially aimed at jumpstarting change.